
糗百还有成人版 《知友记》十年记:知友们近来可好?
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糗百还有成人版 《知友记》十年记:知友们近来可好?
发布日期:2024-09-28 14:36    点击次数:95

糗百还有成人版 《知友记》十年记:知友们近来可好?





It has been 10 years since "Friends" ended its decade long run dominating Thursday nights on NBC as well as pop culture. Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey became cultural touchstones for a generation of TV viewers. And let's face it; spending a decade working on the hottest sitcom on the air is a pretty lucrative gig.

Over the course of 10 seasons, each Friend earned a whopping $88.4 million in salary. They started out in the first season earning $22,500 per episode. They were the first cast to band together in salary negotiations, demanding that each Friend get the same salary. In season three they earned $75,000, then $85,000, then $100,000, then $125,000 per episode for season six. During seasons seven and eight they each earned $750,000 per episode. In seasons nine and 10 they earned $1 million per episode.

That kind of money ensured that none of the Friends would ever really have to work again if they chose. However, as you know, each Friend has gone on to continue working in the film and television industry, some more successfully than others. Let's take a look at what the Friends have been up to for the last 10 years and what they are each worth today...

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston played the slightly spoiled girl next door Rachel Green. She's carried her inherent likeability beyond the small screen, starring in a number of feature films. Aniston has earned over $75 million dollars from her film career alone. Her highest paycheck to date was the $10 million she earned for the 2011 Adam Sandler rom-com "Just Go With It". Between movie paychecks, movie backend points, Friends royalties, and endorsements with companies like Smart Water, Aveeno, and her perfume line, Jennifer Aniston earns between $30 and $35 million per year. Reportedly, Aniston will soon marry her fiancée Justin Theroux. With her net worth of about $150 million dollars, the couple has quite a nice nest egg to start their married life together.

Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox made her mark as Monica years after she was pulled from the audience to dance with Bruce Springsteen in his "Dancing in the Dark" music video. By the time she was cast on "Friends", Cox had appeared in a number of films including the "Police Academy" films and "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective". After "Friends", Cox landed a great role in the "Scream" franchise as well as produced a home improvement makeover show called "Mix It Up". These days she's living it up on "Cougar Town", engaged to Snow Patrol front man Johnny McDaid, and enjoying her $120 millionnet worth.

David Schwimmer

Whether you loved or loved to hate Ross, David Schwimmer was perfect as Monica's annoying brother and Rachel's on-again off-again boyfriend. Post friends, Schwimmer has had success both in front of and behind the camera. He's directed a number of films and television series including "Run Fatboy Run", "Friends", "Joey", Growing Up Fischer"糗百还有成人版, and "Little Britain USA". Schwimmer even played himself on the HBO show "Entourage". Schwimmer hasn't had the commercial success that Jennifer Aniston has had, but he can console himself with his $80 million dollar net worth.

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry's Chandler Bing couldn't BE more normal and his quirks endeared audiences to his character. Post "Friends", Perry has appeared in "The Whole Nine Yards" and went on to star in a number of television shows like "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", "Mr. Sunshine", "The Good Wife", and most recently "Go On". With a $75 million net worth, Perry doesn't have to worry about finding another long running television show.

Matt LeBlanc

As Joey Tribbiani, Matt LeBlanc played the loveable male lunkhead of the group. After "Friends", LeBlanc got the spin-off sitcom "Joey", which lasted just two seasons. He also appeared in "Charlie's Angels" and "Lost in Space". Since 2011, LeBlanc has starred as a caricature of himself on the Showtime series "Episodes". His catch phrase "How YOU doin'?" lives on as does his $60 millionnet worth.

Lisa Kudrow

Before she was Phoebe Buffay, she played the ditzy waitress Ursula on "Mad About You", who turned out to be Phoebe's twin sister on "Friends". She nailed the ditzy friend role, but in real life is actually quite different. Lisa Kudrow has a BA in Biology from Vassar and was a scientist before she became an actress. Post "Friends" she starred in "The Comeback" playing a former sitcom star trying to revive her career with a reality show. She recently had a recurring role on the mega hit "Scandal", and also is on "Web Therapy". Lisa Kudrow has a net worth of $60 million dollars.





詹妮弗在剧中饰演了有些娇生惯养的邻家女孩瑞秋·格林。她的外在和脾气齐深受不雅众们怜爱,也因此为她赢得了不少故事片的片约。光是拍电影,詹妮弗就赚了不下7500万好意思元(约4.62亿元)。在拍摄2011年亚当·桑德勒的过错笑剧《立时应变》时,詹妮弗得到了1000万好意思元片酬,这亦然她的最高记载。每年,包括电影片酬,票房分成,《知友记》版税和与智能水(Smart Water)、艾维诺(Aveeno)公司及她的香水系列的告白合约在内的一系列收入能为詹妮弗提供3000万到3500万好意思元进账。近期,詹妮弗将与只身夫贾斯汀·塞洛克斯完婚。手捏1.5亿好意思元(约9.3亿元)的净钞票,配偶俩的新婚生活思必裕如完全。


在饰演莫妮卡之前,柯特妮·考克斯就因在《暗夜狂舞》的MV中,被布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀一把从不雅众席上拉起与他共舞而有名。除此以外,她还出演了好几部电影,其中包括《学警出更》(Police Acadmy)系列和《神探飞机头》(Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)。《知友记》之后,考克斯在《惊声尖叫》(Scream)系列中出演遑急变装,还在2003年与前夫一同制作了DIY电视秀《Mix It Up》。近期,她在《熟女镇》(Cougar Town)中担任主角,与雪地巡游者(Snow Patrol)乐队牙东谈主强尼·克感恩订婚,坐拥1.2亿好意思元(约7.4亿元)净钞票。


岂论你喜不心爱罗斯这个变装,大卫·休默把这个莫妮卡烦东谈主的老哥和瑞秋分分合合男友演的出神入化。当作知友中的一员,休默在镜头表里齐取得了不少告捷。他导演了一系列电影和电视剧,其中包括《肥仔快跑》(Run Fatboy Run),好意思国版的《小不列颠》(Little Britain),还有《知友记》和《乔伊》中的几集。他还在HBO原创笑剧《明星伙伴》(Entourage)中客串过。休默在买卖上并莫得詹妮弗告捷,但也有8000万好意思元(约4.9亿元)的净钞票。


马修·派瑞饰演的钱德勒·宾几乎不成更乖癖,种种怪癖与搞笑行径让不少不雅众心爱上了他。《知友记》之后,派瑞出演了电影《整九码》(The Whole Nine Yards),还在《日落大路60号》(Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip),《阳光大龄男》(Mr. Sunshine),《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife),以及最近的《走出昭节天》(Go On)等电视剧中出演变装。派瑞目下身价7500万好意思元(约4.6亿元),他大可无用去找一个长技能的剧集来养家生计。


马特饰演的乔伊是这个小团体中呆头呆脑的昂扬果。《知友记》之后,勒布朗陆续出演了繁衍剧《乔伊》,但只拍摄了两季。他还在《轰隆娇娃》(Charlie's Angels)和《迷失天外》(Lost in Space)中出过场。从2011年运转,他在新剧《戏里戏外》(Episodes)中上演我方,嘴里念叨着他在《好友记》中最有名的台词“How YOU doin'?”。他如今身价6000万好意思元(约3.7亿元)。


在当作菲比·芭菲登上荧屏之前,库卓在《为你猖獗》(Mad About You)中上演别称傻乎乎的办事员,亦然《知友记》中菲比的孪生妹妹。固然演的是个无风不起浪的变装,然则在本质生活中,库卓可机灵得多。她有瓦瑟学院的生物学学士学位,在当演员之前在科研机构责任。在《知友记》之后,她在《转头记》(The Come Back)中饰演别称过气的女影星,指望通过真东谈主秀来重回巅峰。近期,她在大热的剧集《丑闻》(Scandal)当作常驻变装登场,也在《网聊记》(Web Therapy)中担任遑急变装。莉莎·库卓的净钞票达6000万好意思元(约3.7亿元)。

(着手:中国日报网爱新闻iNews 译者:leewh 裁剪:丹妮)

